Associating Child Profiles with Caregiver Profiles

Associating Child Profiles with Caregiver Profiles

Note: Child and caregiver profiles can be associated to a family in DAISEY through one primary caregiver profile.
"Choose Primary Caregiver" button

“Choose Primary Caregiver” button

To associate a child profile with an existing primary caregiver profile:

  1. Click “Family Profiles” in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click “Search Child”.
  3. Locate the child profile to be associated a primary caregiver.
  4. Click the pencil icon (“Edit”) under the “Action” column.
  5. Near the bottom of the page, above the “Associated Caregiver” section and next to the “Save” button, click the button that says “Choose Primary Caregiver”.
  6. A list of all the existing primary caregivers for this organization will appear.
  7. Locate the primary caregiver for this child profile. Click the caregiver ID to create the association.
  8. The caregiver now will appear in the “Associated Caregiver” table at the bottom of the page, along with any associated secondary caregivers.
  9. Click “Save”.
Note: If the wrong primary caregiver was accidentally selected, simply repeat the above steps. Click on the correct caregiver ID and then “Save”. 
“Choose Primary Caregiver” button

“Choose Primary Caregiver” button

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