Priority Population

This report will assist Program Managers, Supervisors, and Home Visitors with identifying missing or incorrect data to ensure a complete and correct dataset is represented.

Reminder: Primary caregivers and children with profiles and activities entered into DAISEY will be represented in reports. The data only reflects families that are enrolled AND have an activity during the date range selected in the filter.

What does this report represent

This report represents data entered into DAISEY for Kansas MIECHV programs. All dashboards will provide information on Missing and Complete data; some graphs may have Unknown or Invalid data. To further explore the Unknown or Invalid data, it will be necessary to view the underlying data (refer to How to Use DAISEY Reports guide).

Report Parameters

Reports can be filtered by Reporting Year, Reporting Period, Organization, Program Model, and County using the drop-down menus.

Note: The Organization selected must match your assignment in DAISEY to view data.

3- Priority Population

Priority Population


Form: Caregiver Activities Form

Questions considered: Primary Caregiver Enrollment Date and Date of Discharge, History of Child Abuse, Neglect, or Child Welfare Involvement, History of Substance Abuse, Someone Uses Tobacco in the Home, Someone with Low student Achievement in the Home, Child in the Home with Development or Other Disabilities, and Someone in household currently serving or formerly served in the US Armed Forces.

Who is counted: All Primary Caregivers who are enrolled anytime during the date range selected.


  • This graph does not consider whether a Primary Caregiver is listed as Active or Inactive.
  • To find the Primary Caregivers missing an answer, select the yellow bar and the Caregiver IDs will be listed in the right column.
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